Scarborough Paragon Cycling Club Rules & Racing Rules
1. That the title be Scarborough Paragon Cycling Club and the aim of the club is to bring together in friendship, people who wish to take part in the sport of cycling at all levels.
2. Types of Membership:
a) Honorary Life Membership – membership is paid by the club in perpetuity.
b) First claim members (senior, juvenile, junior, family) are full members who ride in Paragon’s name. Each member has the right to vote at any meeting they attend.
c) Second claim members are also full members except as restricted by CTT rules. They also have voting rights if in attendance at meetings. Please note regulation regarding club membership in the CTT handbook i.e. riders must compete in the name of their first claim club. Second claim members are not eligible for club trophies in competitive events (club events). Such trophies as the McCain award, which is voted on by club members, can be given to 2nd claim members. The 5x5m Come & Try It events will be subject to special conditions. Second claim members are eligible to compete in Association events that Paragon are members of, e.g. Yorkshire Cycling Federation.
d) Family membership covers a maximum of four people in a family and each has the right to vote at any meeting they attend.
3. That all new members shall first complete and sign a membership application form obtainable from the General Secretary or Club Website. Parental consent is to be obtained before membership is granted to persons under the age of 18 years.
4. a) Subscriptions are determined for 1st claim Seniors, Juniors, Juveniles, Family Membership and Second Claim at the Annual General Meeting.
b) Members joining after 1st October shall have their subscriptions valid for the following year.
5. Subscription renewals shall be due on 1st January of each year, in line with the club’s financial year (1st January to 31st December).
6. a) Members should be aware of and follow the British Cycling Code of Conduct. The Committee shall be empowered to suspend or expel any members whose conduct is, in the opinion of the Committee, considered to be injurious to the character and interests of the Club or any member who is in any debt to the Club. Notice shall be given in writing to attend the following Committee meeting.
7. a) That the Committee shall consist of President (5 years term), Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Club Events Secretary, British Cycling Secretary, Welfare Officer, Cycling Time Trials delegates, Publicity & Press Secretary plus 3 annually elected Committee members.
b) During the period January to December, informal meetings for members shall be held as deemed appropriate to conduct business. Members will be informed of the dates by the General Secretary. The Annual General Meeting is usually held in January where formal minutes will be recorded.
c) Any person holding one or more of the following official positions must be a paid-up member: President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Club Events Secretary, British Cycling Secretary, CTT delegates, Publicity & Press Secretary, committee of three. Resignation from or failure to rejoin the Club will result in forfeiture of their right to hold any of the above-mentioned positions.
d) Five members of the Committee are required to form a quorum before any business may commence at Committee meetings.
e) All persons voting at club meetings, AGM’s, Extraordinary AGM’s and committee meetings must be paid-up members of the Club.
8. If at any time necessity arises for a decision to be made urgently with no time to call a general meeting, the Committee can deal with it and any such decision shall be final. However, Club Rules and Racing Rules can only be altered and amended at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary AGM. No other business shall be discussed at an Extraordinary AGM other than that for which the meeting was called.
9. Members leaving the Club should give notice of resignation in writing to the General Secretary.
10. Seven days’ written notice of the Annual General Meeting to be given to members.
11. Ten days’ notice is given for 20% of paid-up membership or committee to call an Extraordinary AGM, if sufficient reasons found.
12. All awarded club trophies are to be held for one year and returned in good condition. The cost of repairing any damage to be borne by the holder.
(Revised January 2023)
2. Types of Membership:
a) Honorary Life Membership – membership is paid by the club in perpetuity.
b) First claim members (senior, juvenile, junior, family) are full members who ride in Paragon’s name. Each member has the right to vote at any meeting they attend.
c) Second claim members are also full members except as restricted by CTT rules. They also have voting rights if in attendance at meetings. Please note regulation regarding club membership in the CTT handbook i.e. riders must compete in the name of their first claim club. Second claim members are not eligible for club trophies in competitive events (club events). Such trophies as the McCain award, which is voted on by club members, can be given to 2nd claim members. The 5x5m Come & Try It events will be subject to special conditions. Second claim members are eligible to compete in Association events that Paragon are members of, e.g. Yorkshire Cycling Federation.
d) Family membership covers a maximum of four people in a family and each has the right to vote at any meeting they attend.
3. That all new members shall first complete and sign a membership application form obtainable from the General Secretary or Club Website. Parental consent is to be obtained before membership is granted to persons under the age of 18 years.
4. a) Subscriptions are determined for 1st claim Seniors, Juniors, Juveniles, Family Membership and Second Claim at the Annual General Meeting.
b) Members joining after 1st October shall have their subscriptions valid for the following year.
5. Subscription renewals shall be due on 1st January of each year, in line with the club’s financial year (1st January to 31st December).
6. a) Members should be aware of and follow the British Cycling Code of Conduct. The Committee shall be empowered to suspend or expel any members whose conduct is, in the opinion of the Committee, considered to be injurious to the character and interests of the Club or any member who is in any debt to the Club. Notice shall be given in writing to attend the following Committee meeting.
7. a) That the Committee shall consist of President (5 years term), Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Club Events Secretary, British Cycling Secretary, Welfare Officer, Cycling Time Trials delegates, Publicity & Press Secretary plus 3 annually elected Committee members.
b) During the period January to December, informal meetings for members shall be held as deemed appropriate to conduct business. Members will be informed of the dates by the General Secretary. The Annual General Meeting is usually held in January where formal minutes will be recorded.
c) Any person holding one or more of the following official positions must be a paid-up member: President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Club Events Secretary, British Cycling Secretary, CTT delegates, Publicity & Press Secretary, committee of three. Resignation from or failure to rejoin the Club will result in forfeiture of their right to hold any of the above-mentioned positions.
d) Five members of the Committee are required to form a quorum before any business may commence at Committee meetings.
e) All persons voting at club meetings, AGM’s, Extraordinary AGM’s and committee meetings must be paid-up members of the Club.
8. If at any time necessity arises for a decision to be made urgently with no time to call a general meeting, the Committee can deal with it and any such decision shall be final. However, Club Rules and Racing Rules can only be altered and amended at an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary AGM. No other business shall be discussed at an Extraordinary AGM other than that for which the meeting was called.
9. Members leaving the Club should give notice of resignation in writing to the General Secretary.
10. Seven days’ written notice of the Annual General Meeting to be given to members.
11. Ten days’ notice is given for 20% of paid-up membership or committee to call an Extraordinary AGM, if sufficient reasons found.
12. All awarded club trophies are to be held for one year and returned in good condition. The cost of repairing any damage to be borne by the holder.
- That the rules and recommendations of the governing body e.g. CTT (Cycling Time Trials), British Cycling or TLI Cycling be adopted.
- Riders must be a member of Scarborough Paragon CC (first or second claim).
- Riders must contact the club events secretary to pre-enter by 6pm the previous evening to date of event.
- All events must start on time as stated on the club fixtures list.
- a) Members wishing to compete in club events (time trials) must sign on with the timekeeper at least 15 minutes before the start time. If riders arrive late it is at the discretion of the timekeeper if their entry is accepted.
- Entry fees (as indicated on the fixtures card) are to be paid to the timekeeper prior to the event start time.
- The governing body club events declaration to be signed by all riders before being allowed to start. When running club events under CTT new or prospective riders have dispensation under the “Come & Try It” scheme as per CTT rules to enter.
- All rides to qualify for Club Best All Rounder awards (senior/junior/veteran) must be achieved in the club name (first claim members only).
- The cancellation of any club event due to poor weather or course conditions is the responsibility of the timekeeper/Club Events Secretary.
- BC (British Cycling) regulations to be enforced for road races.
- Riders MUST wear an approved hard-shell helmet
- Riders to affix a working FRONT AND REAR light to their bikes
- Riders are to pre-enter with the club events Secretary by 6pm day prior
- Riders will sign any required declaration for the relevant governing body and pay their entry fee at the event.
- Members may also enter other class B club events and Class A open events under Cycling Time Trials (CTT) as Paragon are a paid-up affiliated club to CTT.
(Revised January 2023)